Don't like wearing shorts or a dress because you don't want to show off your bare legs because of your burst blood vessels?

Burst blood vessels can be a very big nuisance, as many perceive them as cosmetically embarrassing, but the

treatment method to remove burst blood vessels is gentle and effective.

Scleroteraphy is an effective method to remove embarrassing burst blood vessels on the legs, where the area of burst blood vessels is larger than, for example, on the face. The treatment takes place by injecting a solution of Aethoxysklerol into the diseased vein. The liquid acts as a tissue irritant and triggers a local irritation in the vein wall, so that the blood vessel constricts and prevents blood flow. The blood therefore flows in other ways and the cracked vessel walls are broken down and the burst blood vessels disappear


Before Scleroteraphy

Scleroteraphy takes place without anaesthetic, and there is no pain associated with the treatment. A very thin needle is used for the treatment itself, so you may feel small pricks and a slight sting when the sclerotherapy is performed.

You must use Class 1 compression stockings for 3 days before treatment and for 4 days during the day after treatment.

You must bring the Class 1 compression stockings to the treatment.

It is not always possible to see the effect of the treatment immediately, as it can take time for the blood vessels to close completely. Some burst blood vessels disappear after just one treatment, but usually 2-4 treatments are needed to achieve a lasting and satisfactory result.

After Scleroteraphy

It is very important to wear class 1 compression stockings during the day for 4 days after the treatment.

After sclerotherapy treatment, where the broken blood vessels are removed, the skin in the area may swell up. You may experience that the treated blood vessels may turn a darker color, but this will fade over time.

After treatment, you should avoid:

  1. Strenuous physical activity
  2. Saunas
  3. Direct sunlight for about 1 week.
  4. Then, use a high-factor sunscreen to protect the area where the broken blood vessels were removed.


Broken blood vessels can occur throughout life, which means that new broken blood vessels can develop. When new broken blood vessels occur in life is very individual and depends on various factors such as a person's age, lifestyle, and physique.


    • Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat varicose veins and spider veins.
    • Class 1 compression stockings are the least compressive type of compression stockings. They are typically recommended for people who have mild edema or swelling.
    • Swelling is a common side effect of sclerotherapy. It is usually caused by inflammation and can last for a few days some rare occations weeks. (Talk with our doctor about this)
    • Bruising is another common side effect of sclerotherapy. It usually disappears within a few days.
    • Redness is also a common side effect of sclerotherapy. It can last for a few weeks.


Several treatments are often required to achieve a satisfactory result. The total price is given at a preliminary examination, where the doctor can determine a treatment plan.


Det er viktig med en grundig konsultasjon før sklerosering hos legen. Du får informasjon om behandlingen, praktisk informasjon, hvor mange behandlinger og pris.

Det er ansvarlig lege som avgjør om du er kandidat for sklerosering av sprengte blodkar.

Ta gjerne kontakt hvis du har spørsmål.

Autorisert helsepersonell

Hos Balanse Helsespa kan du være sikker på at du er i trygge hender. Behandlingen utføres av lege Pedro Sait som har mange års erfaring med sklerosering. Han legger vekt på god informasjon før behandlingen og oppfølging etterpå.

Can't find an appointment online?

Contact Balanse Helsespa to schedule an appointment: 

48426000 / email: hud@balansespa.no

Book an appointment with our doctor:

Consultation can be combined with treatment if you wish to have it done at the same time.



Causes of burst blood vessels

Spider veins develop on the legs often over several years, and there are different reasons why they occur. Spider veins affect around 50% of the adult population and are therefore very common. The most common cause is heredity, but the environment and other factors also have a very large impact on spider veins:

  • Age
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Overweight
  • Wind and weather
  • Certain skin diseases
  • Lifestyle diseases

As you get older, the elasticity of the blood vessels will decrease, and the vein walls will therefore become more fragile and the risk of spider veins increases.

During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone is released, which increases the compliance of the vessel walls. In addition, the blood volume also doubles in connection with pregnancy, so that the pressure load on the blood vessels increases significantly, which can also lead to spider veins or varicose veins.

Sun, wind and cold can damage the skin and cause spider veins on the face, especially on the nose and cheeks.

Difference between burst blood vessels and varicose veins

If you have spider veins on your legs that have been removed by sclerotherapy but find that they keep coming back, this could be due to underlying problems such as varicose veins. This means that even if you are treated repeatedly, they will continue to come back because the cause is the varicose veins. It is therefore important that before you have the spider veins removed, you identify whether there are varicose veins in the area with the spider veins. This is done by a consultation where the doctor examines your legs to see if you are a candidate for sclerotherapy.

Varicose veins occur when blood pools in the legs. This condition occurs when the function of the venous valves is impaired, and will therefore cause backflow in the veins. When blood pools, it puts a lot of pressure on the vein, which can lead to spider veins. Therefore, it is common to see that a person who has many spider veins on their legs also often has varicose veins. These must be treated surgically.

Here are some additional details about varicose veins:

  • Symptoms: In addition to spider veins, varicose veins can also cause pain, swelling, fatigue, and itching in the legs.
  • Risk factors: Risk factors for varicose veins include family history, pregnancy, obesity, and standing or sitting for long periods of time.
  • Treatment: Treatment for varicose veins includes sclerotherapy, laser therapy, and surgery.

If you are concerned about varicose veins, talk to our doctor. He can help you determine if you have varicose veins and recommend the best treatment option for you.




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